POST 51 Software Engineering

Which property of the rapid prototype is not important?
(a)   The speed with which it can be developed
(b)   The speed with which it can be modified
(c)   Its ability to determine the client's real needs
(d)   The insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the 'how not to do it' variety
(e)   Its internal structure.


An example of the risk involved in software development is
(a)   Key personnel may resign before the product is complete
(b)   The manufacturer of critical components (e.g. the hardware associated with a real-time system) may go bankrupt
(c)   Technology changes may render the product obsolete
(d)   Competitors may market a fully functional lower-cost equivalent package
(e)   All of these are risks involved in software development.


A simple way of looking at the spiral software life-cycle model is as a waterfall model with each phase proceeded by
(a)  Build-and-fix                                     
(b)  Freezing            
(c)  Synchronization
(d)  Testing                                            
(e)  Risk analysis.


The degree of interaction between two modules is known as
(a)  Cohesion           
(b)  Strength            
(c)  Inheritance        
(d)  Coupling            
(e)  Instantiation.


The relationship between a derived class (or subclass) and base class is referred to as
(a)  Association                                      
(b)  Inheritance         
(c)  Polymorphism   
(d)  Instantiation                                     
(e)  Aggregation.


Myers (1978) identifies seven levels of cohesion. Which level of cohesion may be defined as followed; "the output from one element in the component serves as input for some other element"?
(a)  Communicational cohesion                
(b)  Functional cohesion                         
(c)  Communicational cohesion                
(d)  Temporal cohesion                    
(e)  None of these.
A design is said to be a good design if the components are
(a)   Strongly coupled
(b)   Weakly cohesive
(c)   Strongly coupled and Weakly cohesive
(d)   Strongly coupled and strongly cohesive
(e)   Strongly cohesive and weakly coupled.
If a control switch is passed as an argument this is an example of _______ coupling.
(a)  Content             
(b)  Common            
(c)  Control              
(d)  Stamp               
(e)  Data.
Which of the following is a type of abstraction?
(a)  Data                  
(b)  Procedural         
(c)  Iteration            
(d)  All of the above   
(e)  None of the above.
In the classical chief programmer team approach, the team member responsible for maintaining the detailed design and coding is
(a)   The chief programmer
(b)   The programming secretary
(c)   A specialized function that exists outside 'the team'
(d)   The individual coder (i.e. programmer)
(e)   The back-up programmer.


Answer : (c)
Expla:  The sole use of the rapid prototype is to determine what the client's real needs are as rapidly as possible. The rapid prototype is then effectively discarded so its internal structure is not relevant.
Answer : (e)
Expla:  There are many risks involved in software development.
Answer : (e)
Expla:  A simple way of looking at the spiral software life-cycle model is as a waterfall model with each phase proceeded by risk analysis.
Answer : (d)
Expla:  The degree of interaction between two modules is known as coupling.
Answer : (b)
Expla:  A derived class inherits all the attributes of a base class.
Answer : (e)
Answer : (e)
Expla:  You should aim to maximize the interaction within a module and minimize the interaction between modules.
Answer : (c)
Expla:  Two modules are control coupled if one passes an element of control to another.
Answer : (d)
Expla:  The three types of abstraction (data, procedural and iteration) are all instances of the more general concept of information hiding.
Answer : (d)
Expla:  In the classical chief programmer team approach, the team member responsible for maintaining the detailed design and coding is the individual coder (i.e. programmer).


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