Important Idioms, Phrases & Phrasal Verb with Letter 'C'
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Important idioms & phrases starting with letter c
1. Cannot stomach someone or something
Meaning- not to
be able to put up with someone or something/ not to be able to tolerate or endure
someone or something.
Hindi- सहन करने में सक्षम नहीं होना
- My sister cannot stomach violent movies.
2. Can of worms :Meaning- A situation that, once
started, is likely to become problematic or have a negative outcome.
Hindi- जटिल समस्याओं का पिटारा
- Getting involved in the minor border conflict has become a can of
worms for the country, with no end to the military engagement in sight.
3. Can't cut the mustard :Meaning- Someone who isn't adequate
enough to compete or participate
Hindi- प्रतिस्पर्धा करने या भाग लेने के लिए अयोग्य
- The new servant keeps mixing up orders and just can't cut the
4. Can't see the woods for the trees
Meaning- Cannot
see, understand, or focus on a situation in its entirety due to being
preoccupied with minor details
Hindi- छोटे छोटे विवरणों के करण पूरी स्थिति ना समझ पाना
- The new manager found the situation so complicated that he couldn't
see the wood for the trees.
5. Carried all before one's
Meaning- to
overcome all obstacles; to have uninterrupted success.
Hindi- सभी बाधाओ से पार पाना
Example -Hindi- Wherever
she addressed public meetings shecarried all before her.
6. Carried off his feet : Meaning- to fill with enthusiasm
Hindi- उत्साह से भरना
- He was carried off his feet when he was declared to have won
the first prize.
7. Carrot and Stick
-A motivational tactic that uses a reward and punishment system to encourage improved performance or behavior.
(Hindi)- बेहतर प्रदर्शन को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए इनाम और सजा प्रणाली
- Companies are slowly learning that the carrot and stick approach to management is ineffective,
employees are much more motivated to do a better job when they are recognized for their hard work.
8. Carry someone away :Meaning- Fill with emotion
Hindi- भावनाओं के साथ भरना
- The fervour of the speech carried away the whole crowd.
9. Carve out a niche
Meaning- If you carve a niche or carve out a niche for yourself, you create a role or opportunity for yourself,.
Hindi- खुद के लिए अवसर बनाना
Example- In today's competitive market it's
better to carve out a niche and try to become the best in that area.
10. Cash Cow
Meaning- A good
way to make money /A business or investment that generates a large or consistent profit.
Hindi- पैसा बनाने के लिए एक अच्छा तरीका/अति लाभकारी व्यवसाय
- When Bob purchased stock in that software company 10 years ago, he never
expected it to become such a cash cow.
11. Cast Iron Stomach
Meaning- The ability to eat foods that others may find unusual, unpalatable, or too spicy
Hindi- बीमार हुए बिना सभी प्रकार की चीजों को खा सकने वाला
- Some people have certain likes and dislikes when it comes to food but Sukhdarshan
had no problem in any kind of food as he had a Cast Iron Stomach.
12. Cause a stir
Meaning- to
create an atmosphere of excitement or great interest.
Hindi- हलचल का माहौल बनाना Example - The arrival of the actress caused
quite a stir in the village.
13. Chapter and Verse: Meaning
-In thorough and exact detail/The precise authority backing up a statement or view
,Hindi- पूरा और सटीक विस्तार
- The author claims that he has given chapter and verse for
every statement made in his book.
14. Chase Rainbows : Meaning - To constantly pursue things that are unrealistic or unlikely to happen.
Hindi- अवास्तविक या ना होने की संभावना वाली चीजों के पीछे भागना
- She's trying to get into Harvard University but as I know her very
closely, I think she's chasing rainbows.
15. Chew someone out: Meaning- Verbally Scold Someone
Hindi- किसी को ज़ोर से बोलना या डांटना
- It is not an easy task to Chew Someone Out when that person
happens to be elder than you.
16. Chicken out of something: Meaning- To refuse to do something due to fear (real or perceived).
Hindi- डर की वजह से कुछ करने के लिए मना करना
- He decided to join a karate class, but chickened out of it at
the last minute!
17. Chime in : Meaning- To join in a discussion about something; to offer one's thoughts
Hindi- अपने विचारों की पेशकश करने के लिए चर्चा में शामिल होना
- As I explained to the bus driver what had happened, the other
passengers chimed in and gave their version.
18. Chop and Change :Meaning- If you chop and change, you
constantly change your opinion, plans or methods and often cause
Hindi- लगातार अपनी राय बदलना
- Don't chop and change all the time - just make up your mind!
19. Chow Down
Meaning- To eat, often quickly or enthusiastically.
Hindi- लालचीयों की तरह खाना
- Gita commented 'That's the way to Chow Down' when she beat all
the contestants in a burger eating competition.
20. Close but no cigar
Meaning- an
effort to do something which was a good attempt but not quite good enough to
succeed/Fall just short of a successful outcome and get nothing for your
Hindi- अच्छा प्रयास लेकिन सफल होने के लिए अपर्याप्त प्रयास
Example- The ball touched the goal post - close
but no cigar!
21. Come into one's own
Meaning- When
you come into your own, you receive the credit or recognition you
deserve/To reach a new level of maturity, independence, or success
Hindi- अपना प्रभाव दिखाना
- She has really come into her own this year. A full-time job, a new apartment—she's doing great!
22. Cook something up: Meaning- To plan to do something with someone/To devise something/To
invent something/Forced, artificial, or contrived.
Hindi- किसी के साथ कुछ करने की योजना / किसी चीज का आविष्कार करना / कुछ जबरदस्ती, कृत्रिम, या अनुचित।
- Sunny cooked up a great story so that Jane wouldn't know she
was on her way to a surprise party for her birthday.
23. Crackdown on something
Meaning- To address or control something more strictly than in the past
Hindi- अतीत की तुलना में अधिक कड़ाई से कुछ नियंत्रित करना
-: To reduce road accidents, it was decided to crack down on
24. Crack someone up
Meaning- To make
someone laugh
Hindi- किसी को हसाना
- The lecturer would talk along sort of boring like, and then all of a sudden he would crackup everybody with a joke.
25. Cry Off
Meaning- Withdraw/to decide not
to do something that you had promised or agreed to do
Hindi- पीछे हटना
- Raman invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had
to cry off at the last minute.
26. Cut to the chase
Meaning- Leave
out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point
Hindi- सभी अनावश्यक विवरण छोड़कर सिर्फ बिंदु पर जाना
- Instead of saying all these introductory
comments, cut to the chase already and tell
what exactly are you trying to ask me?
27. Carry Out :Meaning- to perform or complete a job
or activity; to fulfill ,Hindi- अंजाम देना
Example - I
was elected to carry out a program,
the governor said, and I have every intention of carrying
it out.
27. Chip In
Meaning- contribute
something as one's share of a joint activity, cost/ To join in a
discussion about something; to offer one's thoughts.
Hindi- योगदान करना
Example- When I heard them discussing my department, I
just had to chip in with my own suggestions.
28. Clam up
suddenly stop talking or refuse to speak, typically due to a particular
reason/to say nothing.
Hindi- शांत रहना
Example- The
minute they got him in for questioning, he clammed up.
29. Clamp down on
Meaning- Literally,
to press down on something firmly/To limit, reduce, bring under tighter
Hindi- नीचे की तरफ दबाना
- We really need to clamp down on spending before our department
loses funding altogether.
30. Come Apart :Meaning- if an object comes apart,
it separates into pieces, either because it has been made that
way or because it is very old or in very bad condition
Hindi- टूट जाना
- I picked up the book and
it just came apart in my hands.
31. Come By : Meaning- to get something, especially something
that is hard to get
Hindi- कुछ मुश्किल पा लेना
- Some times
ago, teaching jobs abroad were hard to come by.
32. Conk Out
Meaning- to suddenly stop working/ To
fall asleep/To faint
Hindi- आराम करना, बंद होना
Example - Judging
by all that noise coming from her car, I'm pretty sure it's about to conk out.
33. Cut Across/through
Meaning- To
move across an area, often as a shortcut/To break through a particular
barrier/to reach beyond something; to embrace a wide variety
Hindi- विस्तृत रूप से फैलना
Example- The problem cuts across all
socioeconomic lines and affects all age groups.
34. Come Through
Meaning- to
be still alive, working, or making progress after
a difficult or dangerous experience
Hindi- निपटने में सफल (एक बीमारी या त्रासदी)
- It’s been a very upsetting time but we’ve come through it
35. Cut Out
Meaning- to stop something/ to remove something
Hindi- रोकना/हटाना
- With her speed and agility, Cage cut out all her competitors
in the hurdle race.
Word of the day:
1.Call for
Meaning- to say publicly that
must happen/ to make something necessary or suitable
Hindi- सार्वजनिक रूप से कुछ मनवाने के लिए अपनी बात कुछ कहना|
- Protesters were calling for a ban on the production of
GM foods.
2.Call it a day
Meaning- To stop
working, either at one's job or on a particular task, for the rest of the
day/to quit work and go home; to say that a day's work has been completed.
Hindi- काम करना बंद करना
- When we still couldn't find the source of the discrepancy, we decided
to call it a day and revisit it tomorrow.
3.Call at
Meaning- To
stop at a particular location, as of a ship/To visit a particular place.
Hindi- किसी स्थान पर रुकना/जाना
- The train calls at Ghaziabad and Kanpur.
4.Call someone off
Meaning- to decide that
something will not happen/to decide to stop something
that is already happening
Hindi- किसी चलते हुए कार्य को रोकना
- With the weather worsening, they’ve called off the
6.Call Something up :Meaning- to telephone someone/to officially make someone
become a member of the armed forces, especially in a
Hindi- फोन करना / आधिकारिक तौर पर किसी को सशस्त्र बलों के सदस्य बनाना
Example- Nancy had called up to invite her
friend to the Birthday party.
7.Call Someone's bluff
: Meaning- To challenge someone to act on their threat or prove that
their claim or boast is true, when one believes they are making a false claim
or idle threat/to demand that someone prove a claim or is not being deceptive
Hindi- चुनौती देना
- He insisted that he could run faster than me, but when I called his
bluff, he suddenly said he had to go home.
8.Call the tune
Meaning- To
dictate how a situation or agenda proceeds, as from a position of authority.
Hindi- अधिकार की स्थिति में होना
- The Prime Minister is calling the tune in the parliament.
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